Our guide to a successful video interview


2020 was a year of huge change for everyone – the way we work and the way we interact have all had to change.  Despite the unusual past 12 months, recruitment in taxation has remained buoyant, however we have all had to modify the way in which this has taken place.  Not least when it comes to the interview.

Zoom / Teams meetings have become the much new and much used phrase in everyone’s  vocab and video interviews when clients are recruiting for candidates are now commonplace. We thought it would be useful to set out a few handy tips on how best to go about them to ensure they run as smoothly as possible.

Video interview hints and tips

Firstly, try not to worry too much. Employers recognise that this is an unusual situation and that things can go wrong! However, a few simple and practical tips will get you off on the right footing and allow you to appear as professionally as possible

·         Make sure you are in an area where the wifi signal is good.

·         Try to avoid sitting with your back to the window, as you will look dark and shadowy –  face the light!

·         If possible, keep the background plain – now might not be the time to display your questionable poster collection / political books etc – basically anything too distracting.

·         Avoid  the webcam looking up at you, it is not the most flattering angle, eye to eye is best.  So pop some books under the lap top if you need height.

·         Being at home has lots of distractions – pre warn the rest of the household, silence your mobile and use the mute button as and when you need too!

·         Test your mic and video beforehand.

·         Finally, smile, relax and treat it like any other interview ( and yes that does included dressing smartly !)